Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blue Bubble Wrap Socks

I finished what I'm dubbing my Blue Bubble Wrap Socks for my mother-in-law. The pattern is called bubble wrap and they are blue...yeah, I know, the name's not all that creative. And the striping doesn't match, but I'm calling that part of the charm, yeah, that's it.
And I tried a new heel, called a Fleegle heel. I think I will be using that heel forever more. It was super easy and it fits well. I almost don't want to give these to their rightful owner, but I have enough yarn left, I can probably make a pair for myself. And Deb, if they don't fit, we know they fit on me :)
stats: size 1 needle, 60 stitches around, toe up starting with 10 stitches. It took me 2.5 weeks to finish. I don't know what kind of yarn because I can't read the label as its not in English, so it must be good! I tried a sewn bind off method on one sock and Jeny's SSBO on the other. I like the look of JSSBO better; however, it's not as stretchy as the sewn bind off.
Now on to another sock adventure....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sock Bites the Dust

So I opened up the leg part on my socks and started knitting the leg. It was going well, or so I thought, until I tried on the sock. It was too tight around the ankle and I didn't much like the pattern I'd started, so I decided I ought to rip it out a ways, add some stitches and try it again. When I opened the leg for the second time, the opening was all jacked up. I think it was because of my increase I decided to scrap it for now and pick up another yarn. So Deb, it's gonna be even longer on those socks. Instead of adding stitches near the end, I'm gonna start at the toe with the number of stitches I need. Now that I've bored you with sockitecture....

I'll update my faithful reader on the envelope system. I had created a grocery list with an approximate price I was gonna spend. I went searching the internet for some coupons. And with coupons and buying items on sale, it was $18 less than anticipated. Woohoo! I also had a card to Victoria Secret worth either $10, $50, $100 or $500. The card said that all cards have at least $10 on it. So I thought I'd go get A bra for a discount. Turned out the card had $100 on I got 2 bras and a pair of undies for $5...Woohoo #2. Talk about luck! But so far the envelope system is going well. Thinking before spending....

It's 5:00 in the morning and I've heard Grace's little voice coming from her room for about and hour and a half now. After several, "Go back to bed's" I think it's now a lost cause!