Monday, May 2, 2011

As Promised

As promised, here is the profile of our little peanut's face. You can see the nose and lips. The other picture was a face shot, but the way it came out, it looks skeletal and a little scary. We have yet to figure out a name, if it's like Anna, it will be chosen in the delivery room!

I'm looking for anybody who would like a 5 year old who acts like a teenager. Any takers? I'm just kidding, but there are moments I almost wanna take her back. Friday at preschool was miserable for the poor teachers. They called me once so I could talk to her on the phone. Then I got another call around noon. I drove over there and talked to her in person. I don't want her to think every time she's naughty she gets to go home. So she stayed there, but I don't think it got much better the rest of the day. Mostly she's disrespectful and doesn't listen. This weekend was the same way.  I'm just battling this phase with lots of love and minimal amounts of yelling.

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