Tuesday, March 1, 2011


You are probably just as surprised as me to find this new post on my blog. I'm finally starting to feel a touch more like regular ol' me, so I thought I'd update you on what's been going on in our corner of the world.

 A couple weeks ago I had an ultrasound to check the age of this kid. Not much to see in the photo except a peanut with a big apartment. The doctor gave me a definite due date of September 8, 2011. Which means by now, I'm nearly done with my first trimester and a third of the way through.

 Jeremy's been through his sleep studies; he does not have narcolepsy. Yet he's still super tired, so they're trying some other things including stimulants and a sleep diary. The stimulants didn't work, so he is off those. I am so glad for that because he was becoming an ass, an ass with no sleep!

I have finished some projects in the past month and will get the pictures up soon.

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