Thursday, October 21, 2010


It seems over the last several months Jeremy's snoring has gotten worse and worse and worse and, well, you get the idea. One time last summer he woke up feeling out of breath, so he called our family doctor and made an appointment. He ended up having a sleep study in early October. They reviewed his results and he has severe sleep apnea. A total of 117 episodes in an hour…incredible! So he had a followup sleep study to fit him for a CPAP machine and a mask. They are coming to install this thing and get it all adjusted sometime in the next week. It will be wonderful to sleep in the same bed all through the night without one of us going to the couch. This has been the case for months now.

I haven't been great at posting the things I'm creating right now because most are Christmas presents. I do have a baby quilt, for my stash, no specific baby yet, that I'm working on the binding now. So hopefully I'll be posting that here soon.

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