Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blue Bubble Wrap Socks

I finished what I'm dubbing my Blue Bubble Wrap Socks for my mother-in-law. The pattern is called bubble wrap and they are blue...yeah, I know, the name's not all that creative. And the striping doesn't match, but I'm calling that part of the charm, yeah, that's it.
And I tried a new heel, called a Fleegle heel. I think I will be using that heel forever more. It was super easy and it fits well. I almost don't want to give these to their rightful owner, but I have enough yarn left, I can probably make a pair for myself. And Deb, if they don't fit, we know they fit on me :)
stats: size 1 needle, 60 stitches around, toe up starting with 10 stitches. It took me 2.5 weeks to finish. I don't know what kind of yarn because I can't read the label as its not in English, so it must be good! I tried a sewn bind off method on one sock and Jeny's SSBO on the other. I like the look of JSSBO better; however, it's not as stretchy as the sewn bind off.
Now on to another sock adventure....

1 comment:

  1. They are beautiful! Glad you have extra yarn because I think this pair has a new home!
