Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grace!

Today is Grace's birthday, it's hard to believe I now have a 4 year old! Whenever my girls have a birthday, I think back to the day they were was snowing that day, 4 years ago, too.

Her and Jeremy left to go ice fishing on Thursday night. They went with Grampa and her Uncle Wade. I'm sure there wasn't full nights of sleep and lots of fun. They got back today just in time for her party. Grandma and Grandpa and her two aunts and her cousin, Chloe all came down. When she got here, she was all excited to show everybody her room and her new kitty. Then she came down off the adrenaline rush and she threw a fit, and cried and cried and cried. She was all excited again when she opened all her presents....then we had a hissy fit again when Anna wanted to play too. She was rather rude to people, not a very good birthday party. Thankfully is was just family. Now she's taking a nap, as is Jeremy.

It is again bitter cold. I think it's about 5 out there. And there are flurries. I guess we're supposed to have this bitter cold for a few days. I'm pretty tired of it; freezing my fingers off through my gloves while feeding the animals, getting my breath taken away just walking outside.

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