Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday Randomness

On Sunday we took the girls out for pizza, then we went to see Free Birds in the theatre.  I think the girls enjoyed it, even if it was super loud.  How they managed to eat a bucket of popcorn and cotton candy after just having lunch is beyond me.  Leah fell asleep on my lap during the previews and didn’t wake up until the movie was over and we were leaving.

Lizzy has figured out how to scale the fence in the front yard.  She’s hasn’t gone too far that we are aware of, but we’ve had plenty of dog mishaps and don’t want it to happen again.  So Jeremy rigged up a bit of electric fence to go on top of the chain link.  Both he and Lizzy got zapped testing it out.  Hopefully we will only have to keep it hot for a bit so she knows not to climb the fence.  Then just keep it up on the fence, but not hot.

The chicken coop now has permanent electricity.  We always ran extension cords so the chickens would have heat lamps and to keep the water from freezing in previous winters.  Jeremy and his dad got it all wired so we don’t have to string extension cords anymore.  This has been about 7 years in the making!

Most of my Christmas shopping and crafting is done.  Time to start wrapping and take stock of what I have left to do.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Olympic rings socks

My latest finished project, Olympian socks.  They have little rings that remind me of the Olympic rings.  It also reminds me of faux cables.  And it's hard to take pictures of your feet!  They are are boring brown/green/blue color which will go perfectly with my drab wardrobe  :)

Friday, November 22, 2013

A Black Eye

Those 2 year olds at Leah's daycare are a rough and tumble bunch.  I don't know if it has to do with the fact there are 3 girls and about 10 boys.  Leah's always coming home with "ouch reports" along with bite marks and other boo-boos.  Her latest turned into a black eye.  The photo's don't show it clearly, but it's her right eye.
this was this morning

this was this afternoon
And I also caught her writing.  It was super cute, so I had to include it here.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Just a few bits and pieces so you at least have something to read :)

We and Lizzy had been going to dog training; it was a 7 week course.  She "graduated" a few weeks ago.  She may not be as awesome as the dog the instructor brought to class, but she knows a few commands.  When you strap on a leash, she knows its time for business.

I've been knitting some socks, which i don't have a picture of yet, but I also started a button up cowl.  I had quite a few opportunities to knit the day I started it.  This was all done in one day.  My friend says the yarn is so ugly it's pretty.  Ha!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Some Knitting

I got some wonderfully soft baby alpaca/cashmere yarn that has been waiting for the perfect project.  Since it is so soft, a scarf it was to become.  I found a lovely pattern on ravelry and cast on.  The knitting didn't take too long and I washed it up and blocked it this weekend.
Falling leaf pattern

And here is my lovely model showing it off.  And I can't wait to wear it!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pumpkin Decorating

My work has a pumpkin decorating contest.  Me and all the girls entered a pumpkin.  Anna got a second place and Grace got third place in their age group category.
 Grace's spiderweb pumpkin.  It started to cave in on one side and the web got a bit loose.
 My mummy pumpkin.  I thought it was uber cute, however the judges didn't think so :(
Anna's caterpillar pumpkins; she called it Little Spot.  Mommy fail, I didn't get a picture of Leah's, but we gave her a Sharpie and let her have at it.

My one observation is, why does hot glue not work so well on pumpkins?

Friday, November 1, 2013


Last night is the scariest night of the year.  This year it was only made a little more spooky by Jeremy watching several Halloween movies in the last week.  The girls each had a party at school.  Then we went to the mall and went around to each store and picked up some candy.  Then we hit about 7 houses before the big ones were too cold and ready to go home.  By then the loot was piling up anyways.  Without further ado, the costumes!
Grace as Cleopatra 
Cleo with Ms. Ladybug
Anna as Dorothy, complete with Toto

A monkey, banana included (check out the pocket on her right)
The ladybug was Leah's school costume; the monkey was for trick or treating.  And I'll wager you can figure out who the warmest one was last night.

My work puts on a pumpkin decorating contest each year.  This year our family won some prizes...more to come on that later!