Thursday, December 20, 2012


Who says you can't have berry shortcake for breakfast?
Leah didn't seem to object.
Excuse the poor picture, but capturing kiddos is tricky.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Grace's 7th birthday!

Grace's birthday was on Thursday, but we did the birthday fun this weekend.  She wanted to go to Build-a-Bear Workshop and make a bear.  The nearest one is in Colorado, so we braved the cold and crowds and headed south.  Grandma and Grandpa Yearout and Jeremy's sister, Cheryl, and her family celebrated with us.
Anna wasn't interested in finding her cat that she made and having it pose in the picture too.  The TV was too darn interesting!  The pink one is Grace's and she named it Snowflake.  The other one is Leah's and we named it Sweety Pie.  Anna's is a cat and she named her kitty Stuffy.

After we made some bears and had lunch, we headed back to our house and had cake, ice cream and opened presents.

I think she enjoyed her birthday fun!  Happy Birthday, kiddo!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Spirit and Markers

I’ve been busy working on a Christmas wall hanging just because.  I thought the theme was cute.  I finished it a few days ago and promptly hung it on the wall in the dining room to bring some holiday spirit.
I like the cute little presents in their festive paper.

On a different note, Leah was being quiet and this is what I found last night.  She’s happily drawing on the dryer.  At least it was dry erase marker.  And dang, if she didn’t throw a royal fit when I took the marker away.  And this is why I confiscate all markers in my house and keep them in a drawer to be taken out only when the kiddos are fully supervised.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Party

On Saturday, we went to the kids Christmas party put on my Jeremy’s employer.  It was at the bowling alley and it was pretty crowded.  Grace and Anna bowled 2 games before Santa came and food was served.  There was pizza and chicken nuggets and kid food. Here's some pics of them standing in line waiting for the big guy in the red suit.

 Anna's got quite the crazy excitedness in her eye!

Then they got to see Santa.  Anna was totally not the shy one we expected.  Leah gave Santa some serious stink eye!  She was gonna have nothing to do with this stranger in the fake beard and hair!

 They each got a small stocking with candy and brand spanking new $10 bills.