Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Party Time!

My sister-in-law and my new brother-in-law ran off to Vegas and got married in June.  Much to my husband’s disappointment, they were not married by Elvis.  They had a party on Saturday, at the Edness Wilkins State Park, to celebrate.  We took the little kids to swim in the swimming pond they had there.  Grace paddled around and hung on to her pool noodle and had a grand time.  It took a little coaxing to get Anna in past her knees, but she had fun too.  Daddy took Leah out and she was kicking up a storm, that kid loves to play in the water.  Grace and I rode our bikes around a bit.  There was lots of laughs after the beer started flowing, as is known to happen with this group! And lots of babies, all of the 4 grandbabies were together.

On Sunday we were back in Cheyenne by 10 and went to a birthday party.  The girls had fun swimming in the blowup swimming pool in the front yard.  We got home and found a place and all took a nap; we were a tired bunch.

Cheyenne Frontier Days is in full force here now and town is to be avoided at all costs!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Beach

Tonight the girls and I went as close to a beach as you're gonna get around here.  The big girls played in the water and managed to get drenched. The little one played in the sand while I tried to make sure she wasn't putting things in her mouth.  Then we stopped for ice cream on the way home.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I’ve been trying to get the girls to the pool a bit more often.  Friday didn’t work so well, we got there too late and it was already full!  Last night, Leah and I arrived early and stood in line for about 10 minutes.  We went into the kiddie pool which is only 1.5 feet deep.  She splashed and kicked and had a good ol’ time.  You could tell when she was done, we just wanted to watch all the big kids. 

I’m gonna rotate each girl.   Last night Jeremy was working so Grace and Anna went to a friend's house.  They painted nails and had popsicles.  Anna said she didn’t want to leave and Mrs. Butch and her husband got quite the kick out of that....I think she must have had some fun!